One of the major breakthrough technologies in 2016 is Tesla's Auto
Pilot. Tesla Version 7.0, nicknamed
"Auto Pilot," uses sensors, as well as a camera, a front radar, and
digitally controlled brakes, to help avoid collisions—essentially allowing the
car to take over and stop before crashing. The most important function of the
auto pilot is that it can automatically gather data to upgrade its system to
react more quickly to different situations.
It gives drivers something similar to what airline pilots employ in
flight. The car could manage its speed, steer within and even change lanes, and
park itself. But it is important to note that the Auto Pilot system is actually
not autonomous driving. The control system uses radar and forward-facing
cameras to track the positions of cars in the road ahead and adjust the speed
of the car accordingly. It automatically set up the safe distance for the
drivers and allows them to react in advance to avoid collisions.
But the Auto Pilot system is not 100% safe, in July a
Tesla Auto Pilot crashed in Montana. The driver ignored several alerts to take
control of the vehicle before accident. The accident proves that Auto Pilot
still needs more programming and upgrade, but it is technologically feasible
and the future is near.
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10 Breakthrough Technologies 2016: Tesla Auto Pilot
This was an interesting read! Got me thinking about a startup taxi company in Singapore called NuTonomy which is essentially Uber with self driving cars. Just goes to show how pervasive this new technology is not only locally but globally.
回复删除Auto Pilot is really fantastic, as it can reduce the possibility of car accidents. I believe this technology will improve constantly and become safer to use.